Terms of use

  1. We use data from public sources such as whois
  2. We, like all other sites in the universe, use cookies and other information provided by your browser. And we use all this to work and improve our service
  3. The data collected and processed by the Test IP service is used only
  4. We are not responsible for the data provided by the sources
  5. The data may contain inaccuracies due to caching, that is, the data is not updated immediately, but some time must pass
  6. Data received on our service is also public and does not contain anyone's confidential data
  7. If you do not agree to these terms, you should stop using our service
  8. These terms and conditions may be changed by us unilaterally without notice
Цей сайт використовував, використовує і буде використовувати cookies, а також всі інші дані, які ви нам надсилаєте. Тож, погоджуйтесь або тікайте! Детальніше тут.